Getting Back to Basics

I know that January is the usual time for making new resolutions and goals, but I have found that it is far more effective to begin new routines and resolutions when kids go back to school. Back to School time is a time of changing seasons and new beginnings. I have found that the best time to make resolutions is when you are thinking about how busy the summer was and how grateful you are to be getting back to "normal.” (…if there is such a thing.)
Your mind is tired of the running around and constant planning summer brings. Your body is ready for some needed R&R, and your family is anxious and excited about new friends, clothes, and routines. This is the perfect time to plan and implement new systems in your home.
I know that Back to School time is also a busy time of year for most families, but it is a different kind of busy. Most of the appointments, activities, and obligations during the school year come from outside sources, so it is easier to make choices on when to schedule things inside your home. That’s why I propose that this is the best time to overhaul your routines and your calendar for the coming year.

Routines help eliminate stress during this busy time of year. Remember to prioritize your activities and keep the big picture in mind. You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to be consistent.
For more time management tips, you may want to take the
"It’s About Time” class Online or (if you live in the Boise Area) join us for this class in person! For times and location, click here. You may also want to purchase the manual. This class is stuffed with useful and simple know-how!
For More Ideas on Goal Setting and Prioritizing, see the
Tags: Routines Cleaning Organization
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Online Classes
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Sprouting seeds are packed with vital nutrients, protein, and minerals. They make a highly nutritional addition to your Food Storage.
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Learn how fast and easy it is to make all of your dairy products at home!
Clutter Free Living E-Learning Class
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Every house has storage issues regardless of it's size. Double your storage space with simple principles that will keep your house clutter-free all day, everyday.
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