Dress Better For Less

Looking and feeling your best doesn't have to cost a lot of money or time!  These classes are designed to take the financial burden and the guess work out of getting dressed and being productive.
Classes include:
Color Coordination
(Class available upon request)

Learn how to choose colors that compliment your own personal hair, skin and eye color and how to use them to select clothes that help you look great, feel great and draw lots of compliments.

Your Personal Style
(Class available upon request)

By determining your body type and face shape, you will be able to select hairstyles, jewelry and clothing that  "accentuate the positive & eliminate the negative” when it comes to dressing your unique body.  

Wardrobe Coordination
(Class available upon request)

Just choose 12 basics wardrobe pieces that fit your personality, lifestyle, and personal color preferences; then learn how to turn those 12 basic items of clothing and make 102 combinations that will service you for every occasion.  

(Class available upon request)

Double your clothing options by adding basic accessories to your wardrobe.  Learn how to choose inexpensive accessories (shoes, purses, scarves, and jewelry) that fit your personality and mood and make real "look changers” in your basic wardrobe.

These classes are a great idea for a fun girls night out, or a large group setting.  To book a class, fill out THIS FORM and an instructor will respond to you promptly.


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