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A Grocery Store in Your Home, e-learn




Building your food storage doesn't have to cost a fortune!  Mary Ann's "A Grocery Store In Your Home" E-Learning classes will show you why you should store food, and what, where and how to store it.

Because financial disasters come around more often then natural disasters do (for most of us) understanding the principle of food storage is a must for us all!  No doubt you have felt pinch in your pocket book due to the rising cost of food.  Now you can learn a simple way to calculate what you need and where you are going to put it.

Melanie Nelson brings you Mary Ann's tried and tested method of building a "Grocery Store in Your Home."  She'll show you the tips and tricks you need to know to build food storage and use it to decrease your grocery budget at the SAME TIME!

Are You...

...of the mindset that food storage is essentially squirreling away food until the 12th of NEVER, just in case?

...confused by the rotation, shelf-life, and quantity schedules that most food storage plans follow?

...concerned about nutrition and storage options that are too expensive?

Are you...

...looking for an easy, inexpensive, step-by-step system building your food storage and feeding your family?

...trying to build food storage that won't break the bank?

...trying to save money on food?

Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn simple principles and get great ideas that will simplify your life, your food storage, and your home!

This class is broken down into 4 - 15 minute video segments.  Each video can be watched up to 6 times.  That way, if you need to refresh your memory about something when you get started, you can view it again.

By taking Mary Ann's E-Learning Classes, you save time and money! The price she charges to teach this series of classes in her home, is $10.00 per segment. Of course they are also 2 hour classes. Now you can spend just $10.00 and get the whole class in just 60 minutes!

Here's what others have said about this class:

I thought I was going to have to spend my entire tax return on my food storage.  I'm glad I took this class before I went to the store.  I got my whole year supply for 70% less then I had planned!
- Kimberly - Boise, ID

I am so happy I took this class.  I am no longer confused about food storage.  I was so tired of hearing about it because I didn't understand it.  Now, I am empowered to do it!
- Marlene - Eagle, ID

Who knew I could store a whole year's supply of food in my little 1 bedroom apartment!  
- Ruth - Homedale, ID

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