Super Simple Soups
Soup is one of the greatest assets you can have in your food reserve!  Not only does it have an incredible shelf life, but it is packed with nutrition and can save you a lot of money.  Soup plays an essential role in food storage and should have a perminent place on your weekly menu.  Super Simple Soups is a class designed to help you grow your recipe box as well as stretch your budget.  
This class teaches:
  • A basic and essential knowledge of dehydrated, freeze-dried, and fresh foods that can help you maximize the shelf life of your soups.
  • How adding soup to your reserve and your weekly menu can save you time and money.
  • Fast, simple, and nutritious recipes that take little to no time or energy to fix.
  • How to use soup to feed a lot of people for very little money.
  • How to use soup to extend your grocery budget.
People take this class because:
  • They are looking for information on fast, healthy food options for their food storage.
  • They are looking to save time and money on groceries and preparing meals for their families.
  • They do not understand the reasons for using freeze-dried or dehydrated foods, or why they are worth the expense.
  • They feel that planning the meals for camping trips and other family vacations takes lots of time and money if they want to eat something besides hot dogs and marshmallows.

The companion cookbook is also available for this class! 

Host a Class Near You:
This class can be scheduled for large and small groups.
Fill out this form to be connected with a teacher in your area. This is a great opportunity for you and your friends to get together, learn, have fun, be fed, and get a discount on cookbook manual for this class.

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Tags: soup  soups  food storage  simple 

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