Spinach Ice Cream

Green Dream Ice Cream

You can add spinach to any ice cream recipe.  Because of it's mild flavor, you can use add any flavor or mix-ins you want and you won't even notice the spinach!

Here's my favorite non-dairy recipe.  If you want a more traditional base, 
here's a link to Mary Ann's favorite recipe.

1 Can Coconut Milk (regular)
1 cup freeze dried Spinach
1 Frozen Banana


2 Cups Almond Milk
1 Scoop of Vanilla Protein Powder
1 Cup Freeze Dried Spinach
1 Frozen Banana

Blend ingredients in a blender until the spinach is totally pureed and the banana is smooth.
Add to an Ice Cream freezer (old fashioned or canister) and freeze for 20-30 minutes.  
Serve frozen.

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