Halloween Costumes

Halloween in by far my very favorite holiday.  There is nothing like being able to put on something odd, funny, or fancy and be someone else for an evening.
Every Halloween for the last ten years or so I have thrown a big Halloween party.  In the past several years I have also been hosting a Halloween party for the kids in the family.  In these special blogs I want to share a few Halloween themed party tips for food, treats, costume ideas, activities and games for kids and adults that I have learned over the years.
Let’s talk costumes…
Homemade or store bought, that is the question.  While store costumes have vastly improved from the plastic mask and plastic tie-arounds of the past they still have one big hang-up; unoriginality.  The odds that you or your kid are going to be just another jack sparrow, batman, or princess is pretty high. 
So what do you do?  I was spoiled, I grew up with a mom who not only loved sewing but loved sewing costumes for me.
franken steveWhat if you don’t sew?  No Problem, creativity still abounds my friends.  Here is a short list of idea I have used in the past and how they work:
Franken-Yourself:  simply draw stitches across your face and skin and stick on a couple bolts (can often find these for cheep in the Halloween accessory aisles of most stores).  here is yours truly and my hubby dressed as Franken-Steve and the Bride of Franken-Steve.

Tourist:  Khaki shorts and a loud Hawaiian print shirt from dad’s closet or your local thrift store are the keys to this one.  Top it off with an old or usable camera (dangling around the neck of course) A cheep plastic lei, sunglasses, a baseball cap or straw hat, some zombie make-up and maybe a tiki cup or coconut cup (from the dollar store) with a paper umbrella and you are done.
Graveyard:  This is one of my favs.  All you need is  a length of green fabric or plastic (it should be long enough for you to cut a head-hole in the middle and have enough to hang to the knee in front and back)  This is easy with plastic since it will not fray,  To deal with cotton just paint a little glue around the edges or leave it stringy to give it a more unkempt look.  Now the headstone you can do several ways.  Grey paper cutouts work well, or you could use grey foam sheets with sharpie marker.  I just painted the headstone shaped on the fabric and when they were dry my hubby wrote pithy and funny epitaphs on them with a sharpie.
Zombie:  Any old clothing that you can rough up will work for this, frayed hems, holes, rips and all.  Simply draw or paint on a little red around the holes and on any part of the body showing through (crayolas washable markers are fun for this or any Halloween make-up kit).  The key to this costume is the acting, lots of shuffling and moaning please.
Fancy lady:  Most thrift stores have a stock of fancy dresses of all styles.  What little girl wouldn’t love a fancy dress?  This is a very broad idea since it really depends on what kind of dress you find and how you accent it.  Here is a list of accessories to spark your imaginations:  Feather boas (available in most craft stores)
floppy hats
sequined hats
big costume jewelry and sparkles (many varieties can be found in most dress-up toy aisles)
long strands of beads (like a flapper girl),
 Baby dolls
Crowns or tiaras
Scepters or wands (makes a fun sorceress or wizard costume)
Etc. etc. etc.

Here are some links to find more-do-it-yourself-for-cheep costumes:

Halloween part 2

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