Boredom Busters, Not Just for Summer

SURVIVING SUMMER — Boredom Busters

"I’M BORED!!”  Is this what you hear the week after school’s out. Are you ready to tear you hair out waiting for school to start?  If this is the case, here are some ideas to help you survive the summer and enjoy it too! There’s no place like home” for having fun and feeling good—and it doesn’t cost much to make it happen. Here are some hints!

By the time school is out, we are usually ready to kick back and take a more relaxed approach to family living—simpler meals, relaxed times for getting up and going to bed and fewer deadlines.  For the first couple of weeks of summer this is great, but without routine and something to look forward to each day, summer boredom sneaks in. Regardless of when you begin your day, routine is important.  It gives continuity—and when children know what to expect they are more  cooperative.
Mornings— are the best time to clean rooms, do daily chores, and work on family projects.  Work can be fun when you do it together. Teaching skills in the summer when weather and time permit can be a great source for building a child’s confidence. Cooking, sewing, handicrafts, deep cleaning, canning, gardening or yard work are some you might consider. 

Control Interruptions—You can even control neighborhood interruptions by placing a sign on your door notifying neighborhood children when your family is available to play.

Lunch and Quiet Time— If you are at home during the lunch hour, backyard picnics are a great way to serve lunch with no mess.  Just pack each child a lunch in their lunch boxes at breakfast and when lunch time rolls around, send them out in the backyard with a plastic tablecloth for a picnic.  This not only saves a kitchen mess, but usually       becomes an hour long activity.  After lunch an additional hour can be spent reading, doing crafts or working on "summer homework”.  Math, science and language workbooks are available at your local school supply store or school.   Working a few minutes a day in a workbook will keep the learning process going through the summer and eliminate the educational loss that usually  happens.  Reading a "chapter” book as a family is another good option. We read the whole Little House on the Prairie series one summer after lunch.

Afternoons—Balancing your days between work and play can make the summer days fly by and help you build family traditions in the process.  Hold a special activity each afternoon for one to two hours.  Our Adventures at Home manual will give you lots of ideas for home and neighborhood activities and our Prepare for Family Fun   manual will give you quick and easy preparation ideas and checklists for adventures away from home.  You can also check out our blog archive for the following:

We are lucky to have a variety of orchards available in our area and picking fruit has become one of our families summer traditions.  We spend the morning picking fruit in a nearby orchard, then head to the lake for an afternoon of swimming, boating and picnicking.  We eat the fruits of our labors during the day and then can the rest as a family. 

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