Save Time and Space Freeze It Flat

How many times have you wanted a little bit of green bell pepper, or onion but didn’t want to use the whole thing, And/or… use ¼, and have the other ¾ go bad? 

Have you ever wanted a little shredded cheese, mushroom, bell pepper, onion, garlic, diced ham, shredded meat, but didn’t have time to chop/shred/dice it?
Ya, me too.  Until I learned the coolest trick!

Go ahead and cut up the food the way you use it most often.  (diced, julienne, shredded, cubed, etc)  Use as much as you want.

Put the rest in a zip-top baggie (any brand).  Lay it flat so all the product is on 1 side.  Only fill so the product (onion, etc) is ½ to 1/3 inch thick.

TIP: I always seem to use onion and garlic together so I put them together in the baggie to freeze = saves another step!

Freeze it 
When you’re ready for a little bell pepper etc you can EASILY break off as much as you want since its only ¼ thick or so and let the rest remain frozen till needed.

TIP: shredded mozzarella cheese looks a lot like onion when frozen so label the baggies.  (we once put onion on top of a pizza.)

Viola!  Now you can make a super deluxe omelet in seconds!  And with out dirtying any extra tools! 

And you will REDUCE your grocery bill because you will never again waste ¾ of a bell pepper, squash, onion, sauce, left over meat, veggies, fruits, etc etc etc. 

When items are frozen flat you can fit considerably more in a given space than you could have in containers.  Once the food is frozen (flat) you can organize them like books on a shelf.  A long thin plastic box is perfect for sandwich size baggies to be stored like a file drawer. 

This li'l trick is so popular at our house my husband and children tell me when we need to chop more onions if they are not in the freezer.  They love using them.  Its just SO easy!  I hope this cool trick saves you big bucks and time. 

I wish you the best and happy savings till next time!

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Tags: freeze  fresh  time saving  money saving  leftover  bell pepper  onion  squash  frozen vegtables 

Bobbie said...
I do this with lemon, lime, and orange zest. When they are on sale I buy several, zest them, and freeze them flat. At any time I can break off a little and add it to any recipe.

We also do this with ground beef. It defrosts so much faster and more evenly and we store it in a basket in the freezer, saves space and time.

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