Did You Know the Difference A Teddy Bear Can Make?

When we think about "Emergency Living” we all can imagine lots of scenarios.  Emergency living can be abruptly brought on us by circumstances like storms, earthquakes, or less disastrous things like a loss of power for heating our water or cooking our food.

A bad storm or earthquake can bring about not only a loss of our home and possessions, but a loss of lives and messy catastrophic injuries.  We don’t like to think about such things such as a disaster taking the life of our neighbors or even our own family members, but these things are a not so uncommon event for those having suffered the effects of a tornado, landslide, tsunami, earthquake, or hurricane. 

For each life lost in a disaster there are at least 3 more people that are seriously injured and even more with non-life threatening injuries.  None of these bodily injuries and loss of life are comfortable to confront and deal with emotionally over time.

As adults we need to consider how to help others, or ourselves, that are going through the trauma or grief associated with what we encounter and need to deal with during such times.

It is for this reason I encourage people to have several sizes of teddy bears set aside for these very emotional events.

As silly as it sounds to suggest having teddy bears for each family member, experience has shown that even an adult male going through grief and trauma can be comforted by holding close a teddy bear when they lay down to grieve.  We’ve all known this about children, but it is not common knowledge that a teddy bear can be of great value to family members of all ages and gender.

As entertaining as the video "Castaway” is where Tom Hanks survived a number of years alone on an island, the movie had many decent "survival” tips embedded in it.  For example, in the movie Tom Hanks was comforted by his soccer ball he called "Wilson.”  Wilson was a companion, someone to express feelings to, and just have around to talk to.  It can be much the same way with people of all ages going through grief or major trauma. 

Please consider tucking some teddy bears away for each family member.  When grief and trauma have become a reality it would be good to bring the bears out.  Over a short time most everyone will find their grief companion and make it part of their processes.  They really do work; give them a try, you won’t regret it.

Here is another Emotional Health tip to consider
Children are very resilient; they can endure quite a bit.  What can be a major trauma for an adult can be weathered fairly well by a young child without lasting PTSD – IF the adults around the child control their emotional expressions.  An adult "losing it” with great expressions of uncontrolled emotions can cause a young child to be traumatized for life.

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Tags: mental helath  emergency preparedness  emotional health  

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