Cauliflower Kielbasa Soup

Looking outside at the grey flat cloudy sky I can think of nothing better to do than cook up a tasty pot of soup.  So we have an easy and veggie-ful soup for you today.  This is one of the many tasty soups we have in the Super Simple Soup Cookbook.  Check it out!

Cauliflower Kielbasa Soup

Cauliflower Kielbasa Soup

6 c Chicken Stock
1    Turkey Kielbasa, diced
1 head Cauliflower, chopped (1 1/2 cup freeze dried)
1 medium  Onion, chopped (1/4 cup dried)
1 Large Russet Potato, chopped (1 1/2 cup freeze dried)
2 tbsp  Butter
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tsp    Bon Appétit seasoning (or celery salt)
pepper to taste
topping: Chives and Parmesan Cheese
Cauliflower Kielbasa Soup

Dice the sausage and Potato and cut the entire cauliflower (stems and all) into smallish pieces.
Cauliflower Kielbasa Soup

Melt butter in skillet and saute onions and cauliflower until the onions are translucent. 
Cauliflower Kielbasa Soup

Put onions, cauliflower, potatoes, and broth in a pot on high heat and bring to a boil.  Cover and let boil for 10-15 minutes.
Cauliflower Kielbasa Soup

Meanwhile toss the cubed kielbasa in a skillet and brown.
Cauliflower Kielbasa Soup

Uncover pot and let boil a few minutes more, just until the potatoes and cauliflower are tender enough to puree.  Puree the soup. 
Cauliflower Kielbasa Soup

Add the salt, Bon Appétit seasoning mix, pepper, and kielbasa.
Cauliflower Kielbasa Soup

Top with chives and Parmesan cheese.

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Tags: soup  recipes  zucchini  bread  veggies  vegtables  Cauliflower Kielbasa Soup  easy meal  healthy cooking 

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