Course Manual
Available Soon!
Money Matters

This class is designed to teach you a simple, practical, and easy to implement approach to achieving your financial goals.  When money is tight and debt is high, it is easy to get frustrated or adopt the "keeping up with the Jones'" mentality.

This class teaches:
  • A simple debt elimination plan and system to use to free up your financial resources.
  • Principles that will help you do better with what you have, instead of looking for the bigger and better income options.
  • A no-gimmick approach to financial freedom that is practical and helpful.
People come to this class because:
  • They are confused by their finances and want some help to turn them around.
  • They are looking for a better way to communicate with their spouse and children about financial matters.
  • They are frustrated with the fact that no matter how much debt they eliminate, they can't seem to get ahead.
Coming Soon:
Course Manual
Take all of your great ideas home with you and use this manual as a quick guide to reference things you may have forgotten.

Instructional DVD
 This DVD will allow you to take the class over and over again from the comfort of your own home.

Host a Class Near You:
This class can be scheduled for large and small groups.
Fill out this form to be connected with a teacher in your area. This is a great opportunity for you and your friends to get together, learn, get great new ideas, and  have fun.  

As the hostess of the class, you will receive:
  • A free course manual
  • Free ideas and guidance from your teacher and friends about what to do to with the items in your home you feel need to be reused, refurbished, recycled, or repurposed.

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Tags: re-purpose  reuse  refurbish  recycle  save  finances  debt-free living 

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