This is a great opportunity to stock up on those often-expensive items in your emergency supply.  Seychelle Water Filtration Products has a reputation for research, quality, and value.  We have selected 5 products from thier line to be our bulk order special for September.  The filters in these bottles meet the hightest standards of filtration for all circumstances by removing the following from your water source (whatever it may be):  unpleasant taste, odor, clarity, chlorine, dirt, sediments, Chlorine, toxic chemicals, detergents, pesticides and other harmful industrial and agricultural wastes, and heavy metals such as aluminum, asbestos, copper, lead, mercury, chromium 6 and others.  The capacity of each item may be different so read the descriptions carefully before you select your products.  All of these items can be purchased from Seycelle Directly, but you'll find thier prices to be about 50% higher when you include California tax and shipping.   Spread the word to everyone you know!  

Water Bottle Bulk Order Form
(form may take up to 2 minutes to downloadThanks for your patience)

These Monthly Bulk Orders are for pick up only.  If you would like to put an order together for people or groups in your area, please contact Melanie Nelson for information on direct shipping.

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