Window Treatments 4

window drapesThis is the fourth in our series on easy and inexpensive
window treatments.  This week we will give instructions
for draperies using recycled fabric and a decorative rod. 

This bedroom has a heritage theme.  We inherited the bed and vanity from my mother-in-law when she died, the nightstand is her sewing machine cabinet, my husband’s dad made the lamp in high school wood shop and the wash basin stand I bought at a garage sale.

window drapesThe color scheme was taken from the aqua tricot bedspread that my mother-in-law quilted by hand and the lacy fabric that was once my living room curtains and then the master bedroom shower curtain and window treatment. 

The only new thing in the room is the aqua floor length curtain.  It is made from broadcloth that I purchased for $2 a yard.  There are no side seams—just the fabric salvage.  I hemmed the bottom with "stitch witchery”.

  • window drapesA decorator rod with finials.
  • 2 decorative brackets.  They usually come with the rod at no additional expense.  I purchased this rod and brackets at Wal-mart for $15.
  • Mount the brackets one inch above the window and just outside the window frame.  The rod should extend six inches past the brackets.

window drapesStep #1 — Once the brackets are hung, find the middle of the valance fabric (in this case the lacy fabric).  Wrap the fabric around the rod starting in the middle and working toward the ends.  Wrap the fabric from front to back over the rod towards the window. Finish by wrapping the fabric between the brackets and the end of the rod from front to back.  Let the extra fabric hang over the rod towards the floor.

Step #2 — Find the middle of the curtain fabric and wrap it around the valance fabric from front to back over the rod towards the window (same direction as the valance).

window drapesStep #3 — To make the poof at the end, wrap the curtain from back to front, around the valance and then around the back of the rod.  Then bring the curtain over the rod and through the front wrap, making a knot. 

Step #4 —
When the knot is made the valance will now be in front of the curtain.  Just pull the extra fabric in the valance up through the knot (towards the ceiling) and tuck it around the rod and under the back of the knot.  You can either fold toward the inside or the outside.  I   folded it toward the inside next to the curtain.

window drapesStep #5 —
Arrange the folds in the valance.  The easiest way to do this is to pull the fabric apart so that it naturally gathers.  Do the same thing with the poof at the ends.
This was a really fun room to do.   Being able to use all our family heirlooms and pictures made it a special place and I spent $50 on the whole room.

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Tags: drapes  window treatments  money matters  home decor  affordable decor  

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