Tips for the Bathroom

A Clean House in Minutes a Day: Tips for the Bathroom
By Christianne Crump, Instructor from Meridian, ID

If your home is like mine one of the rooms that gets dirty the fastest is the bathroom.  Let’s face it, the bathroom is a high traffic area that handles a lot of dirty jobs…and it shows.  Maybe you’re the type of person who loves digging in and scrubbing the bathroom, but it’s not exactly a job I relish, so anything I can do to make it easier is a good thing.   

There’s a lot involved in cleaning a bathroom: the counter, sink(s), tub, shower, floor, closets, cupboards, mirrors, etc.  In today’s tip I’m going to give you a strategy make the sink, counter, and mirror practically clean themselves.  

We all have factors working for us and against us when it comes to cleaning the bathroom.  Our greatest help is the fact that we’re already in there all the time.  Unfortunately, the reasons we’re in the bathroom on a daily basis usually aren’t to clean.  We’re headed in to fix our hair, run a bath for the kids, put on our makeup, etc.  The trick is to a find a way to multitask a little bit so we can get our cleaning done at the same time.  I’m a lazy person and that means I don’t want to have to think to grab the cleanser or bring a rag when I go in to brush my teeth at night.  As is often the case, the simple solution is the best solution.   

What has worked for me is to put a small Command Adhesive TM hook on the cupboard door beneath every bathroom sink and hang a microfiber towel on it.  Please notice I said the cupboard door beneath every bathroom sink because I have found the best way to get my husband to wipe down his sink too is to make it so he doesn’t have to take even one step.  He can stand right where he is and use his free hand while brushing his teeth to wipe down the sink.  

It is also best if you can find a microfiber towel because microfiber does a great job cleaning with only water.  Microfiber also polishes fixtures beautifully, and wipes down the mirror without leaving streaks (assuming the towel you use is relatively clean).  If you can’t find a microfiber towel with a small tag then your can easily stitch on a tag made of scrap ribbon.  If you’re not the sewing type then just safety pin a ribbon scrap on one corner.

I’ve gotten into the routine of wiping down the sink, counter, and mirror daily in my bathroom and a few times a week in the other bathrooms. A typical wipe down takes about 8-10 seconds per sink.   I usually do my wipe down during my tooth brushing morning and night. The kids sinks, counter, and mirror get wiped down whenever I’m in there doing bath time.  And I wipe down the powder bath each time I have to change the paper roll, which is at least weekly in my house.   With this much consistent attention I only need to  "officially clean” my sinks, counters, and mirrors about every two weeks.  When I think about the fact that ‘s only twice a month or 24 times a year it makes me smile.  Now even though it feels like I hardly ever clean my bathroom I’m greeted with clean sinks, counters, and mirrors every time I walk in.    

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