Discover the Peace of Less STUFF!

One of the most wonderful aspects of living Clutter Free, is the peacefulness it brings into your home.  Try it for yourself:

Cluttered DrawerChoose one drawer in your kitchen or a bathroom
  1. remove all of it's contents
  2. replace items that are essential 
  3. discard or set aside to donate as many things as you can (I like to set a little challenge for myself before I begin each drawer such as , "I am going to throw away or donate 10 items or more from this drawer.”
  4. put the remaining items in a shoe box and place it in an out of the way spot for 2 months.  If you haven’t gone back for an item in that time then discard/donate the remaining items. (DO NOT OPEN THE BOX - This eliminates sentimental attachment.)

Now for the good part...notice how happy that drawer 
makes you feel!  If you’re like me you’ll find little excuses to peak in and have a small moment of bliss.  Imagine the sense of well-being you’ll have as you do one or two drawers a week.   Don’t wait even one more day, pick and de-clutter one drawer today!

For more ideas, check out the book, Clutter Free Living!

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Tags: spring cleaning  organize 

joanne said...
CAUTION: this is way ADDICTING! once you have 1 singing drawer you'll be searching for the next one you can organize! This is what a client told me of her "singing drawers". Love it!

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