Mock Strawberry Jam

Mock Strawberry Jam

5 c       zucchini (pealed, shredded) over grown zucchini is tougher and will hold its form better than small/young zucchini = perfect use for those giant ones! (after I pealed ‘em and removed the seeds, I threw my zucchini in the blender for a quick second or two instead of shredding them.)

5 c       sugar

3 TB    lemon juice

6 oz     jello (I used raspberry)

1 box   pectin


(I doubled this recipe and got 7 pint jars of jam, + a little bit extra)

7 pint jars

7 flats/lids

7 rings

Canning gear


1.        Start heating water in canner.  (It takes awhile to boil.  Pour about ½ to 1 gallon hot tap water in canner.  May need to remove or add water once you place jars in canner.  You just want the jars to be covered with 2 inches of water so be sure they’re underwater the whole time.)

  1. wash 6, ½ pint canning jars in dish washer on sterilize setting.  Leave in dishwasher so jars will remain warm.
    1. Put 6 flats/lids in water on medium heat on stove to soften seal.
  2. Stir zucchini and sugar together in large pot over medium heat until begins to boil and sugar has dissolved,  (it was a stunning lime green color.  My kiddos were impressed with my green raspberry jam!)

a.       about 10 min. 

TIP: I recommend removing the zucchini seeds to add to the illusion of berry consistency.  After I pealed the zucchini, I sliced in into coins, then quartered a stack of coins.  This exposed the seeds to a point (like a pizza in quarters) so I could easily chop out the point with all the seeds.  I did 2-4 zucchini coins at the same time so it went pretty quickly

4.        Stir in lemon juice and jello.  (now it turns a lovely shade of red)

a.       Simmer 5 more minutes stirring constantly.


  1. Ladle hot jam into 6 hot ½ pint jars. Leave ¼ inch head space at top.  Wipe rim and jar threads with a clean, damp cloth.  Place lid on center of jar and screw on ring firmly.  Place jars into boiling water canner covered by 2 inches of boiling water.
  2. Process for 10 minutes.  (start timer when begins to boil again)
  3. Remove from canner.  Allow to cool at room temperature. (I cool ‘em on a towel… mom did it that way so I do too.)
  4. Label jars. (at least write the year on the lid so you’ll know when you made it and how old it is)

And don't miss our Canning Classes beginning September 16th at Food 2 Store in Meridian, ID.  Grace Corey will show you how to can and preserve all of your favorites for the best flavors and shelf-life.  It's all part of our Farm to Table Food Storage Series.

Check the Class Calendar for details!


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Tags: jam  strawberry  mock  zucchini  canning  preserves 

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