Italian Dinner Made Easy

I don’t about you but my days seem to get more full as time goes on. I’m often not home from 4 to 7 with practices, games, lessons, play dates, etc etc. Yet I still want my family to have a nice dinner every night. Where’s my magic wand? Groan. Oh yeah. I don’t have one. You either? Shoot.
*Italian Chicken*
Place raw chicken pieces in crock pot. Frozen is fine. Use any type of chicken pieces ya want. Pour an entire bottle of your favorite Italian dressing over chicken. For variety you can add artichokes or tomatoes. Cook on low 8 hours or on high for 4 hours. Wah La! You’re done!I love to serve this with:
*Italian Pasta Salad*
1 bag pasta rotalini, bow tie, anything really
1 can diced tomatoes with oregano, fresh, stewed, bottled, or canned
1 bottle Italian dressing
1 small can olives
½ C cubed cheese
½ C pepperoni
Make pasta according to package directions al dente. Rinse pasta with cold water. Add tomatoes, and olives and pepperoni if desired. Shake and pour bottle of dressing over salad. Gently stir. Chill, overnight is best. Just prior to serving, add cubed cheese. If you add the cheese too early it becomes slimy.
I like to make this salad the night before so the flavors blend well.
Serve with GREEN SALAD, you guessed it, tossed with Italian dressing. You can also add some olives and cubed cheese to the green salad. Wait till just prior to serving to add dressing though as its wilts the greens faster than without.
SO here’s your Italian dinner from ‘just got home’ to table in 5 minutes:
Italian Chicken 5 min prep crock pot
Italian pasta salad 10 min prep fridge
Italian green salad 10 min prep fridge
Italian bread 3 min prep bread maker (your machine probably came with the recipe in the book)
Oh & look online for Italian music. Such as for example.
I hope this Italian dinner menu inspires you and helps you create a fun dinner and memory for you and your family. I wish you the best and happy saving till next time.
Tags: dinner food prep crock pot cooking joanne easy dinner
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