COOKIE FUN part 1 - Oatmeal Drop Cookies

This is an excellent and time tested recipe from ‘Betty Crocker’s

Cooky Book’ (Yes Cooky-it is not misspelled) cookbook published in
1963. If you love making cookies this is the cookbook for you, 150
pages packed with all kinds of cookie recipes and you can get it
pretty cheap on Amazon.
Oatmeal Drop Cookies
1/2c. Shortening
-or 1/4c. butter, 1/4c. shortening
1 1/4c. Sugar
2 eggs
1/3c. molasses (if you don’t have molasses
skip it and use brown sugar instead of
regular white granulated)
1 3/4c. all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
2 c. rolled oats
1 1/2c. total mix-ins: chocolate chips, raisins,
butterscotch chips, red hots, coconut
flakes, misc nuts, toffee chips, peanut
butter chips, m&m’s, etc.

Heat oven to 400°. Mix sugar, shortening, eggs and molasses

Stir in flour, salt, and soda together then blend into sugar/egg
Stir in oats and your choice mix-in’s. (I split this batch in two and
mixed in different things since they were for a group of friends who
have various allergies. One batch had pecans, chocolate chips, and
almond toffee and the other had butterscotch chips and chocolate
covered raisins.)
Either drop your dough in rounded teaspoonfuls or use your desired
size scoop keeping the dough about 2 inches apart on a lightly
greased sheet tray.

Bake for 8-10 minutes. Bake less time for lighter cookies and more
for darker and crisper cookies.
Try putting your uncooked drops in the freezer for an hour then bag then for a quick freezer to oven treat.

This recipe will make about 6 dozen cookies depending on the size you
make them. Whatever size you make them, they go fast!
Tags: cookies oatmeal Oatmeal Drop Cookies baking goodies drop cookies
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