Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Minute: Part 2

Here is my second rule on...
How to lose 10 pounds in a minute.

ANSWER:  Keep Smiling...with your eyes too.
Your personality should emanate from your face—yet some dress as if it comes from their apparel. Unknowingly (by making poor choices, often fads) many women and girls direct all eyes to their figure challenges where 10 pounds often dwell.  You have just 3 seconds to direct viewer’s eyes. Choose to be remembered for your charming smile and personality instead of those pesky 10 pounds.

  • A straight face, like mine, or a frown causes drooping lines that add years and sadness to your face. Scowls send very strong, non-verbal messages.  My favorite childhood song  is...      "If you chance to meet a frown, do not let it stay…

smile facelift

  •  A smiling face makes drooping lines vanish or at least appear pleasant, like you’ve lived a happy life.  ...Quickly turn it upside down and smile that frown away.”  

smile facelift
Other benefits to always smiling (besides appearing 10 pounds thinner in a minute):  1. If you are over 45, lose those drooping lines and appear 10 years younger.   2. Most importantly, you’ll lift your own spirits, even if they’re dumpy.  3. Family, who you love and live with—plus strangers, will have a better day.  4. You’ll often halt traffic.  Constant smiles are unexpected since most people live stressed-out lives. 

Try the Smile Experiment: When you’re out shopping, look at, smile kindly and nod as you pass someone in the isle.  (Thinking positive thoughts about them, helps too)  If you were to turn around, you’d likely see them turning back smiling at you too, wondering what in the world just happened.  Smiles take people by surprise!

A SMILE costs no money.  It is your best accessory.  It’s a priceless gift, especially when given often to your family, but also to perfect strangers.  Never wash your smile nor send it to the cleaners, and don’t lose it if you reduce in size.  So choose to use  smile power to change your life, and others’ every minute of every day.
 The Kinne Minute

What did you learn from last time? 
A forward head causes which 2 body parts to droop & pooch? 
(see previous blog in this series)

To Learn More about Kinne, check out her Bio Page!
Contact her for more information or to make an appointment for her various services:
kinne7@yahoo.com or call 208-938-0282

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Tags: smiling  lose 10 lbs  wieght  apperance  improving a looks  improving apperance  smile  face  facelift  

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